Hi, I'm Riss!
I'm so glad you're here!
My wellness journey started in early 2023, at over 250lbs!
Through proper nutrition & meal planning, consistent strength training, a commitment to body-specific cardio and creative soul expression through JOYFUL movement, I've completely transformed my body, losing over 80lbs., and my life - for the better, and forever!
And now I want to pass my fine-tuned knowledge onto YOU! Not only have I gained health, strength & confidence, I've found the most important thing of all - GENUINE SELF-LOVE!
That's why I created 'BLISSfit with Riss' - a complete Body, Mind & Spirit transformation program - to help you rediscover TRUE LOVE for your whole temple as well!
So, if you're ready for change but not sure where to start... or if you've been seeking a wellness overhaul but confused about what it takes to reach your goals... no need to worry, I've got you!
'Blissfit with Riss' Services
Let's Get Started!
phone: Text preferred
(863) 289-2796